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Redacting Content in a Session

How to redact (hide) sensitive information in a session

Russ Troester avatar
Written by Russ Troester
Updated over 10 months ago

Sometimes during a session your participant may share some sensitive information verbally, on their screen, or may have something their camera picks up that you want to redact / remove from the recording for privacy purposes. With Lookback, you can choose to redact any combination of the audio, screen, or camera to preserve this privacy.

Redacting a Session

  1. Open the session in the player

  2. Drag the slider on the timeline to the beginning of the segment you wish to redact (for example - 50 seconds after the start)

  3. Click the Redact icon on the right side of the timeline to set the beginning timestamp of the section to redact. After clicking it, the Redact icon will turn yellow

  4. Drag the slider to to the timestamp where you want the redaction to end (for example 1:30 after the start of the session)

  5. Click the Redact icon again

  6. A small box will open showing you will be redacting the selected section (40sec in this example from 50 seconds to 1:30)

  7. Optional: Enter a reason for why this section is being redacted (e.g. "Participant entered their credit card information into the website")

  8. Select which stream(s) you wish to redact (you can select any combination of the 3 options):

    1. All camera: participant camera feed and moderator camera feed (for moderated sessions) will be redacted/removed for the selected portion

    2. All audio: participant microphone feed and moderator microphone feed (for moderated sessions) will be redacted/removed for the selected portion

    3. All screen: participant screen sharing and moderator screen sharing (for moderated sessions) will be redacted/removed for the selected portion

  9. After you've selected your stream(s) to redact, click the Save button

  10. Another window will open to confirm you'd like to redact the section. ❗ Redacting a portion of the recording is a permanent change and cannot be undone ❗ To confirm, click the Redact selection button

  11. Now we will begin redacting the content from the selected portion of the session. As noted, it may take several minutes to process (depending on the length of the session). While it's processing you'll see Redacting content in the session feed.

    🚀 Please note: While this is processing, you do not need to stay on this page; it's fine to close this tab/window, navigate to another page, etc.

  12. Once finished, the session feed will update and show the reason for redaction (if entered) along with which stream(s) have been redacted

    You'll also see the selected portion marked in white on the timeline

That's it! Now when anyone plays the recording, the redacted content will not be displayed and/or heard in the playback.

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