Edit the details of an existing 'Round'

Change the details or duplicate a Round

Russ Troester avatar
Written by Russ Troester
Updated over a week ago

As your research progresses, you may want change some details of a Round or even duplicate a Round so that you can copy a test plan you've already created!

To edit an existing Round:

  1. Click into the relevant project.

  2. Click the Edit button beside the 'Round' you'd like to tweak.

  3. Once you've made the changes, don't forget to click Save.

To Duplicate a Round

Simply open the "kebab" menu (3-dot icon) and click Duplicate round...

πŸš€ You Test Plan (Welcome message, instructions/tasks, landing page(s), and Final Message) and Round Settings will all be duplicated, but this will not duplicate any sessions or highlights in the existing round.

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