At the heart of any user research are your Participants. With the help of our friends at User Interviews, you can recruit participants directly through Lookback without the need for a separate User Interviews subscription.
Participant Recruitment through User Interviews available on all round types.
Available on the following plans
All paid subscriptions
Recruit is not currently available on our free trial
Pay-as-you-go Pricing
You can opt to purchase participants as you need them. The pricing for pay-as-you-go is as follows:
Participant recruitment fee - $49 USD per participant completing a session
+ Incentives + 6% processing fee (e.g. For a $20 incentive, you would pay $21.20)
(If needed, advanced criteria is +$49 USD per participant completing a session
Package Pricing
You can pre-purchase packages of participants that offer significant scaled discount. If you'd like more information on Participant Packages, please reach out to us at
Recruiting Participants
Create your new Round of research
On the Choose your participants page, select, Recruit via Lookback and then click Next
Proceed through the Settings and Test setup as you normally would
When you get to the Participants section:
Screener (optional): In this section, you can create screener questions for your potential participants. These questions will be provided to the participants that meet the Recruit Criteria in the next section to help further narrow down your selection.
Questions: you can add as many questions as you want. Each question will allow for the participant candidate to choose only one (1) option.
Options: You can add as many options to each question as you like. On the right side, you can designate them as Accept or Reject
Accept: If they choose one of the options marked with Accept, they will be qualified for that question
Reject: If they choose one of the options marked with Reject, they will be disqualified for that question
🚀 Please note: The participants will not know which options are marked as Accept or Reject. If you have multiple screener questions and they choose a Reject option for any of the screener questions, they will be disqualified from consideration for your study.
Example: Referring to the screenshot above, you're looking for participants who have purchased a kitchen appliance in the last 6 months. If they choose 0-3 months ago or 4-6 months ago (and they meet the criteria in the following section), they will be added to your list of potential participants for review.
Recruit: This is where you will select the criteria your participants need to meet in order to be considered for your study. All sections must be completed before you'll be able to launch your study
Study details: Click the + Add study details button to add a title and description of what the study is about. This will be sent to the panel of participants so they can decide if they'd like to participate in the study. Once you've finished adding the details, click Save
Recruitment criteria: Click the + Add criteria button and then select the criteria for your participants that you'd like to recruit from. You can choose as many options as you like from the following categories. The cost per participant is $49 USD and an additional $49 USD if you select from any of the advanced criteria (details below). :
Most popular: A pre-selected list of the most commonly used criteria
Demographics: Information about their personal life and situation, e.g. Age, Employment status, Household income, etc.
Professional: Information about their employment status and other work related criteria
Basic criteria: Employment status, Gig or Contract occupation, and Military service status
Advanced criteria (adds $49 USD per participant): Work setting, occupation, industry, etc.
Product and services: What types of products and services they are using or have used in the past, e.g. Online marketplaces, Food delivery services, Social networking platforms, etc.
Technical: What type of device(s) do they have available and what types of technology are they familiar with, e.g. Browser, Smartphone operating system, etc.
As you select your criteria categories, they will be listed on the right-hand side where you can then click on each one and choose as many options as you like
After you've selected all your desired criteria, click the Save button in the lower right corner
Number of participants: How many participants you need for your study
Incentive amount: Amount sent to the participant after completion of the study
Session length (minutes): Estimated time the participant needs to complete all tasks
Study end date: This is the final date approved participants can complete the study. This will be sent to the participant as the deadline they have to complete the study.
Fee summary Now that you've selected all your options, review the total cost to recruit your participants
If you are only using the basic criteria for participants, the cost is $49 USD/participant. If you added any of the advanced criteria, the cost is $98 USD/participant
Incentives are charged at the incentive amount plus a 6% processing fee
When you've confirmed the amounts, click Launch (if you already have credits) or Buy credits to proceed
(If you already have credits please skip to step 7) To buy credits, confirm the amount to be charged and then choose from the following options:
Pay now: You'll be taken to the stripe checkout page where you can use the credit card on file or add a new card to process payment.
Copy payment link: creates a temporary billing link that you can send to someone else to process the payment.
The Recruit page should update showing the credits have been applied with the message You're ready to launch! 🚀
Proceed through the options under Collaborators
When you've confirmed all your round settings and are ready to start recruiting your participants, click Launch in the lower left corner
In the Launch with Recruit window, review the next steps and when you're ready to start recruiting, click Launch.
🚀 Please note: Once launched, you cannot change any of your criteria and recruitment settings for this round.
Now you'll see the round has updated to indicate that you are actively recruiting
Scheduling Participants (Moderated Only)
If you are doing a moderated round of research (LiveShare or Interview), you'll also need to add availability so your participants can schedule time to meet with you.
Session length: This is how long you anticipate the sessions will take. This is set in the Recruit tab
Minimum scheduling notice: This is the minimum amount of lead time your participant needs to schedule a session. For example: if this is set to 4 hours and it is currently 10:00am for the participant, the earliest availability a participant would be able to choose is 2:00pm (14:00).
Time Zone: This is for the moderator's availability so set it in your time zone. When the participants select, they will see it in their own, local time zone.
Once you have the above set, you mark your availability on the calendar for times when you're open to meet with participants.
🚀 You'll need to select at least as many time slots as you have participants in the study, but you can add extra availability to give your participants more options. So for example, if you have 10 participants in your study, you'll need to select at least 10 time slots on the calendar.
Reviewing and Approving Participants
As participants meet your criteria, they will show up under Participants to approve. Click on this to review and approve your participants. Once approved, they'll show under Participants recruited until you've recruited all participants for your study. Those who have been recruited will automatically be sent the Lookback Participant Link they need to complete your study.
Purchasing Credits
Credits can be purchased for a project prior to recruiting your participants, but it is not required. As noted above, credits can be purchased directly in the recruiting flow. These credits can be used for the recruitment or incentive fees. To purchase additional credits for a project:
Open the project
Click on the Credits tab on the left
Click Buy credits
Enter the amount and click Submit
Confirm the amount to be charged and then choose from the following options:
Pay now: You'll be taken to the stripe checkout page where you can use the credit card on file or add a new card to process payment.
Copy payment link: creates a temporary billing link that you can send to someone else to process the payment.
Close the Credits added tab
Click Done on the Buy credits window
Your credits should now update to show how much you have available
Transferring Credits
Credits are associated with a particular project, but they can be transferred to other projects in your Lookback Organisation as needed. To transfer credits to another project:
Open the project with the credits you wish to transfer from
Click on the Credits tab on the left
Click Transfer in the credits section
Enter the amount of credits you wish to transfer, up to the amount you have available
Search for and select the project you wish to transfer the credits to
On the Confirm transfer window, check that everything is correct and click Transfer to complete the process
Flagging problematic participants/sessions
If you've recruited a participant through Lookback and they don't show up, or if they've completed your test, but it was not satisfactory you can "Flag" the session. This means you don't have to pay for that session, and we'll replace the participant with a new participant to take their place.
To Flag a session:
As long as your Study end date has not passed, you'll be able to go back to your list of participants to approve to select a new one. If your study has ended but you didn't get all of your participants, you'll need to start a new round.
If you have questions about recruiting participants, please check our Participant Recruitment - FAQs help article. If you still don't find the answer you're looking for, please reach out to our support team by using the chat bubble in the lower right corner of your screen.